3f Warwick Square, London, SW1V 2AA



This address belongs to 3f located in the street of Warwick Square and the city of London. The postcode for this property is SW1V 2AA. 3f Warwick Square is located at about 12m above sea level. This property is situated at an approximate latitude and longitude of 51.491316, -0.14165 respectively.

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This property has approximate easting and northing of 529113 and 178567 respectively.

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Parts Of Address
Complete Address 3f Warwick Square, London, SW1V 2AA
Premise 3f
Street Address Warwick Square
City London
Street Warwick Square
Ward Warwick
District Westminster
Country England
Latitude/Longitude 51.491316, -0.14165
Easting/Northing 529113, 178567
Postcode Unit SW1V 2AA
Postcode Sector SW1V 2
Postcode District SW1V
Postcode Area SW
Outward Code SW1V
Inward Code 2AA
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10 Nearby Companies

Company Name Company Address Company Category Incorporation Date
Ctvc Limited 12 Warwick Square, SW1V 2AA PRI/LTD BY GUAR/NSC (Private, limited by guarantee, no share capital) 29/06/1978
Futuro Marketing Limited Flat O,, 9 Warwick Square, SW1V 2AA Private Limited Company 22/02/2017
Hillside Productions Limited 12 Warwick Square, London, SW1V 2AA Private Limited Company 10/01/1984
Icarix Ltd 12 Warwick Square, SW1V 2AA Private Limited Company 09/03/2015
Le Calvez Investment Limited 9h Warwick Square, London, SW1V 2AA Private Limited Company 01/11/2002
Mergelawns Property Management Limited 5 Warwick Square, London, SW1V 2AA Private Limited Company 12/07/1991
Rank Foundation Limited(the) 12 Warwick Square, London, SW1V 2AA PRI/LTD BY GUAR/NSC (Private, limited by guarantee, no share capital) 25/02/1953
Sidorova Limited 1 Warwick Square, Flat 2, SW1V 2AA Private Limited Company 01/02/2016
Beaconsfield Capital Holdings Ltd. 9d Warwick Square, SW1V 2AA Private Limited Company 21/04/2016
Catholic Voices 9 Warwick Square, SW1V 2AA PRI/LBG/NSC (Private, Limited by guarantee, no share capital, use of 'Limited' exemption) 14/01/2011