This address belongs to 17 located in the street of Ayr Terrace and the city of Greenock. The postcode for this property is PA16 0RU. 17 Ayr Terrace is located at about 78m above sea level. This property is situated at an approximate latitude and longitude of 55.938841, -4.818076 respectively.
This property has approximate easting and northing of 224085 and 675341 respectively.
There are 3 more addresses near this address.
This property is located in the district of Inverclyde (PA16). Find below the property price trends for detached, semi-detached, flats, maisonettes or terraced properties around this address.
If you are travelling you might want to know distance to/from this address.
Distance | Duration |
Complete Address | 17 Ayr Terrace, Greenock, PA16 0RU |
Premise | 17 |
Street Address | Ayr Terrace |
City | Greenock |
Street | Ayr Terrace |
Ward | Inverclyde South West |
District | Inverclyde |
Country | Scotland |
Latitude/Longitude | 55.938841, -4.818076 |
Easting/Northing | 224085, 675341 |
Postcode Unit | PA16 0RU |
Postcode Sector | PA16 0 |
Postcode District | PA16 |
Postcode Area | PA |
Outward Code | PA16 |
Inward Code | 0RU |
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Last Updated On 10th May, 2017