Postcode BH20 7EU is an active postcode in England. It serves an area around the location having latitude and longitude of 50.741788, -2.164006 respectively. It is having an altitude of about 32m above sea level. It comes under the district of Purbeck and ward of St Martin. The constituency for this postcode is Mid Dorset and North Poole. The local authority for this postcode is Dorset. It was introduced in 01 December, 1995.
Find below 1 addresses and 0 businesses in postcode BH20 7EU.
Postcode BH20 7EU has a population of about 3 spread across 1 households. As per Office for National Statistics, this postcode is categorized as a Rural Village area.
The grid reference for this postcode is SY885935. The lower layer super output area for BH20 7EU is Purbeck 001A(E01020465).
Postcode | BH20 7EU |
Is Active? | Yes |
Latitude | 50.741788 |
Longitude | -2.164006 |
Easting | 388524 |
Northing | 93588 |
Altitude | 32 |
Rural or Urban Area? | Rural village |
Introduced | 01 December, 1995 |
District | Purbeck |
District Code | E07000051 |
Ward | St Martin |
Ward Code | E05009539 |
Constituency | Mid Dorset and North Poole |
Country | England |
County | Dorset |
County Code | E10000009 |
Country | England |
Outward Code | Inward Code | ||||||||
Postcode | Total Postcodes | Active Postcodes | Population | Households | |
Postcode Unit | BH20 7EU | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 |
Postcode Sector | BH20 7 | 198 | 165 | 4618 | 1969 |
Postcode District | BH20 | 932 | 736 | 20134 | 8566 |
Postcode Area | BH | 21822 | 15128 | 552110 | 242907 |
Name | Type | Address | Approx Distance |
Bere Regis School | Community School | Southbrook, Purbeck, BH20 7DB | 2.39 miles |
Winterborne Kingston School | Community School | Winterborne Kingston, North Dorset, DT11 9BJ | 2.88 miles |
Sandford Church of England Middle School | Voluntary Controlled School | Sandford, Purbeck, BH20 7BN | 3.61 miles |
Sandford St Martin's Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School | Voluntary Aided School | Sandford, Purbeck, BH20 7BN | 3.61 miles |
Lytchett Matravers Primary School | Community School | Lytchett Matravers, Purbeck, BH16 6DY | 3.79 miles |
Wareham St Mary Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School | Academy Converter | Streche Road, Purbeck, BH20 4PG | 4.32 miles |
Name | Address | TIPLOC | CRS | Approx Distance |
Wareham Rail Station | Wareham | WARHAM | WRM | 4.00 miles |
Holton Heath Rail Station | Holton Heath | HOLTONH | HOL | 4.31 miles |
Wool Rail Station | Wool | WOOL | WOO | 4.86 miles |
Hamworthy Rail Station | Hamworthy, Poole | HMWTHY | HAM | 6.43 miles |
Moreton (Dorset) Rail Station | Moreton | MORETON | MTN | 7.12 miles |
Poole Rail Station | Poole | POOLE | POO | 8.05 miles |
Name | Address | Bus Stop Type | Approx Distance |
Milestone Cottage (W-bound) | A35, Woodlake | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.04 miles |
Milestone Cottage (E-bound) | Woodlake | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.06 miles |
Name | Address | Approx Distance |
Norden - Park and Ride (Swanage Railway) | Wych Farm Road, Norden | 8.05 miles |
Corfe Castle (Swanage Railway) | Station Approach, Corfe Castle | 8.59 miles |
Harman's Cross (Swanage Railway) | Haycrafts Lane, Harman's Cross | 10.34 miles |
Swanage (Swanage Railway) | Station Road, Swanage | 12.75 miles |
Name | Address | IATA Code | Approx Distance |
Bournemouth International Airport | Bournemouth International Airport | BOH | 14.72 miles |
Postcode | Distance |
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Last Updated On 10th May, 2017