Postcode BN44 3TD is an active postcode in England. It serves an area around the location having latitude and longitude of 50.868314, -0.297499 respectively. It is having an altitude of about 8m above sea level. It comes under the district of Horsham and ward of Bramber, Upper Beeding and Woodmancote. The constituency for this postcode is Arundel and South Downs. The local authority for this postcode is West Sussex. It was introduced in 01 July, 1990.
Find below 17 addresses and 6 businesses in postcode BN44 3TD.
Postcode BN44 3TD has a population of about 128 spread across 47 households. As per Office for National Statistics, this postcode is categorized as a Rural Hamlet And Isolated Dwellings area.
The grid reference for this postcode is TQ198090. The lower layer super output area for BN44 3TD is Horsham 016B(E01031617).
Postcode | BN44 3TD |
Is Active? | Yes |
Latitude | 50.868314 |
Longitude | -0.297499 |
Easting | 519898 |
Northing | 109026 |
Altitude | 8 |
Rural or Urban Area? | Rural hamlet and isolated dwellings |
Introduced | 01 July, 1990 |
District | Horsham |
District Code | E07000227 |
Ward | Bramber, Upper Beeding and Woodmancote |
Ward Code | E05007647 |
Constituency | Arundel and South Downs |
Country | England |
County | West Sussex |
County Code | E10000032 |
Country | England |
Outward Code | Inward Code | ||||||||
Postcode | Total Postcodes | Active Postcodes | Population | Households | |
Postcode Unit | BN44 3TD | 1 | 1 | 128 | 47 |
Postcode Sector | BN44 3 | 356 | 268 | 10188 | 4440 |
Postcode District | BN44 | 357 | 268 | 10188 | 4440 |
Postcode Area | BN | 34288 | 22028 | 802838 | 356367 |
Company Name | Company Address | Company Category | Incorporation Date | Approx Distance |
13-18 Dacre Gardens Residents Company Limited | 17 Dacre Gardens, Upper Beeding, BN44 3TD | Private Limited Company | 11/02/2002 | 0.00 miles |
Aerosure Ltd | 36 Dancer Gardens, Upper Beeding, BN44 3TD | Private Limited Company | 08/04/2013 | 0.00 miles |
Zone1 Creative Limited | 32 Dacre Gardens, Upper Beeding, BN44 3TD | Private Limited Company | 02/09/2008 | 0.00 miles |
7thsense Design Limited | 2 The Courtyard, Shoreham Road, Upper Beeding, BN44 3TN | Private Limited Company | 18/08/2004 | 0.67 miles |
Admin Services Limited | The Courtyard, Shoreham Road Upper Beeding, BN44 3TN | Private Limited Company | 30/05/2001 | 0.67 miles |
Advanced Analysis Limited | The Courtyard, Shoreham Road Upper Beeding, BN44 3TN | Private Limited Company | 07/03/1997 | 0.67 miles |
Name | Type | Address | Approx Distance |
The Towers Convent School | Other Independent School | The Towers, Horsham, BN44 3TF | 0.71 miles |
Upper Beeding Primary School | Community School | School Road, Horsham, BN44 3HY | 1.16 miles |
Lancing College | Other Independent School | , Adur, BN15 0RW | 1.61 miles |
Southdown Pre-Preparatory School and Nursery | Other Independent School | Gervays Hall, Horsham, BN44 3GL | 1.80 miles |
Steyning CofE Primary School | Voluntary Controlled School | Shooting Field, Horsham, BN44 3RQ | 2.13 miles |
Steyning Grammar School | Voluntary Controlled School | Shooting Field, Horsham, BN44 3RX | 2.20 miles |
Name | Address | TIPLOC | CRS | Approx Distance |
Shoreham-by-Sea (Sussex) Rail Station | ShorehambySea | SHRHMBS | SSE | 2.60 miles |
Lancing Rail Station | Lancing | LNCG | LAC | 3.06 miles |
Southwick Rail Station | Southwick, ShorehambySea | STHWICK | SWK | 3.65 miles |
East Worthing Rail Station | East Worthing, Worthing | EWRTHNG | EWR | 4.08 miles |
Fishersgate Rail Station | Fishersgate | FSHRSGT | FSG | 4.14 miles |
Portslade Rail Station | Portslade, Hove | PSLDAWH | PLD | 4.61 miles |
Name | Address | Bus Stop Type | Approx Distance |
Dacre Gardens (Adj) | Steyning Road, Upper Beeding | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.02 miles |
Dacre Gardens (Opp) | Shoreham Road, Upper Beeding | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.06 miles |
Name | Address | IATA Code | Approx Distance |
Shoreham Brighton City Airport | ShorehambySea | ESH | 2.46 miles |
London Gatwick Airport South Terminal | Gatwick Airport | LGW | 20.72 miles |
London Gatwick Airport | Gatwick Airport | LGW | 20.77 miles |
London Gatwick Airport North Terminal | Gatwick Airport | LGW | 20.85 miles |
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Last Updated On 10th May, 2017