Postcode BS49 4SB

Postcode BS49 4SB is an active postcode in England. It serves an area around the location having latitude and longitude of 51.390966, -2.824775 respectively. It is having an altitude of about 11m above sea level. It comes under the district of North Somerset and ward of Yatton. The constituency for this postcode is North Somerset. The local authority for this postcode is . It was introduced in 01 June, 2000.

Find below 2 addresses and 6 businesses in postcode BS49 4SB.

Census Data for BS49 4SB

Postcode BS49 4SB has a population of about 9 spread across 4 households. As per Office for National Statistics, this postcode is categorized as a Urban City And Town area.

GridRef/LSOA Details

The grid reference for this postcode is ST427660. The lower layer super output area for BS49 4SB is North Somerset 012E(E01014859).

Postcode Details
Postcode BS49 4SB
Is Active? Yes
Latitude 51.390966
Longitude -2.824775
Easting 342709
Northing 166092
Altitude 11
Rural or Urban Area? Urban city and town
Introduced 01 June, 2000
Postcode Administrative Area Details
District North Somerset
District Code E06000024
Ward Yatton
Ward Code E05010310
Constituency North Somerset
Country England
County Somerset
County Code E10000027
Country England
Parts Of Postcode Unit BS49 4SB
Outward Code Inward Code
Postcode Area Postcode District
BS 49
Postcode Sector Postcode Unit
4 SB
Postcode Total Postcodes Active Postcodes Population Households
Postcode Unit BS49 4SB 1 1 9 4
Postcode Sector BS49 4 256 219 8412 3407
Postcode District BS49 383 319 11776 4777
Postcode Area BS 44543 26545 940076 398197

Nearby Places

6 Companies Near Postcode BS49 4SB

Company Name Company Address Company Category Incorporation Date Approx Distance
A J T Carpenters Ltd 149 Stowey Road, BS49 4QU Private Limited Company 26/11/2014 0.12 miles
4score Limited 127 High Street, BS49 4DH Private Limited Company 19/08/2009 0.15 miles
Crossed Box Limited Yew Tree Lodge 116a, High Street Yatton, BS49 4DH Private Limited Company 16/05/2012 0.15 miles
A L Distributors (batavon) Limited Weeping Ash Farm, North End Road, BS49 4AW Private Limited Company 11/05/1995 0.24 miles
A.l. Lintels (batavon) Limited Weeping Ash Farm, North End Road, BS49 4AW Private Limited Company 02/10/1987 0.24 miles
Golden Age Mobility Limited 43 North End Road, Yatton, BS49 4AW Private Limited Company 17/05/2010 0.24 miles

6 Educational Organizations Near Postcode BS49 4SB

Name Type Address Approx Distance
Yatton Voluntary Controlled Infant School Voluntary Controlled School High Street, North Somerset, BS49 4HJ 0.44 miles
Yatton Church of England Junior School Voluntary Controlled School High Street, North Somerset, BS49 4HJ 0.44 miles
Court-de-Wyck Primary School Voluntary Controlled School Bishops Road, North Somerset, BS49 4NF 1.30 miles
Court-De-Wyck Church School Academy Converter Bishops Road, North Somerset, BS49 4NF 1.30 miles
St Andrew's Primary School Voluntary Controlled School Station Road, North Somerset, BS49 5DX 1.43 miles
The Glebe Infant School Community School Station Road, North Somerset, BS49 5DX 1.43 miles

6 Railway Stations Near Postcode BS49 4SB

Name Address TIPLOC CRS Approx Distance
Yatton Rail Station Yatton YATTON YAT 0.13 miles
Nailsea & Backwell Rail Station Nailsea NAILSEA NLS 3.75 miles
Worle Rail Station Worle, WestonsuperMare WORLE WOR 4.31 miles
Weston Milton Rail Station Milton, WestonsuperMare WMILTON WNM 5.86 miles
Weston-super-Mare Rail Station WestonsuperMare WSMARE WSM 7.11 miles
Shirehampton Rail Station Shirehampton, Bristol SHAMPTN SHH 9.00 miles

6 Bustops Near Postcode BS49 4SB

Name Address Bus Stop Type Approx Distance
Barberry Farm Road (Se-bound) Yatton On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.05 miles
Railway Station (E-bound) Yatton On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.12 miles
Market Inn (Opp) North End, Yatton On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.13 miles
Market Inn (N-bound) North End, Yatton On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.14 miles
Cherry Grove (Se-bound) High Street, Yatton On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.22 miles
Cherry Grove (Nw-bound) High Street, Yatton On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.22 miles

0 Metro Stations Near Postcode BS49 4SB

No metro stations found in database

2 Airports Near Postcode BS49 4SB

Name Address IATA Code Approx Distance
Bristol International Airport Felton BRS 4.92 miles
Cardiff International Airport Cardiff Airport CWL 22.17 miles

6 Nearby Postcodes

Postcode Distance
BS49 4QU 0.125 miles
BS49 4DH 0.149 miles
BS49 4AW 0.244 miles
BS49 4BL 0.343 miles
BS19 4HL 0.526 miles
BS49 4JD 0.596 miles