Postcode CH64 8TE

Postcode CH64 8TE is an active postcode in England. It serves an area around the location having latitude and longitude of 53.278999, -3.012529 respectively. It is having an altitude of about 47m above sea level. It comes under the district of Cheshire West and Chester and ward of Little Neston and Burton. The constituency for this postcode is Ellesmere Port and Neston. The local authority for this postcode is . It was introduced in 01 June, 1999.

Find below 4 addresses and 6 businesses in postcode CH64 8TE.

Census Data for CH64 8TE

Postcode CH64 8TE has a population of about 21 spread across 10 households. As per Office for National Statistics, this postcode is categorized as a Rural Village area.

GridRef/LSOA Details

The grid reference for this postcode is SJ325762. The lower layer super output area for CH64 8TE is Cheshire West and Chester 004A(E01018518).

Postcode Details
Postcode CH64 8TE
Is Active? Yes
Latitude 53.278999
Longitude -3.012529
Easting 332584
Northing 376258
Altitude 47
Rural or Urban Area? Rural village
Introduced 01 June, 1999
Postcode Administrative Area Details
District Cheshire West and Chester
District Code E06000050
Ward Little Neston and Burton
Ward Code E05008683
Constituency Ellesmere Port and Neston
Country England
County Cheshire
County Code E11000004
Country England
Parts Of Postcode Unit CH64 8TE
Outward Code Inward Code
Postcode Area Postcode District
CH 64
Postcode Sector Postcode Unit
8 TE
Postcode Total Postcodes Active Postcodes Population Households
Postcode Unit CH64 8TE 1 1 21 10
Postcode Sector CH64 8 17 14 255 105
Postcode District CH64 755 638 19027 8428
Postcode Area CH 23805 18623 659880 285880

Nearby Places

6 Companies Near Postcode CH64 8TE

Company Name Company Address Company Category Incorporation Date Approx Distance
Glenbrittle Kennels And Cattery Limited Glenbrittle Kennels, Chester High Road, CH64 8TE Private Limited Company 07/08/2002 0.00 miles
Harvest Moon Cakes Ltd. 1, Upholland New Hey Lane,, Willaston,, CH64 2UU Private Limited Company 04/10/2015 0.49 miles
Technical Building Solutions Spv Limited 2 Upholland, New Hey Lane, Willaston, CH64 2UU Private Limited Company 01/12/2015 0.49 miles
Ampw Ltd Paddockwray Dunstan Lane, Burton, CH64 8TJ Private Limited Company 03/09/2012 0.51 miles
A Burrows Services Limited Oaktree Court Mill Lane, Ness, CH64 8TP Private Limited Company 07/08/2014 0.64 miles
Altus Technical Services Ltd Oaktree Court Business Centre Mill Lane, Ness, CH64 8TP Private Limited Company 11/07/2016 0.64 miles

6 Educational Organizations Near Postcode CH64 8TE

Name Type Address Approx Distance
Willaston CofE Primary School Voluntary Controlled School Neston Road, Cheshire West and Chester, CH64 2TN 0.96 miles
Bishop Wilson Church of England Primary School Voluntary Aided School Puddington Lane, Cheshire West and Chester, CH64 5SE 1.46 miles
Woodfall Infant School Community School Woodfall Lane, Cheshire West and Chester, CH64 4BT 1.55 miles
Woodfall Primary School Community School Woodfall Lane, Cheshire West and Chester, CH64 4BT 1.55 miles
Woodfall Junior School Community School Woodfall Lane, Cheshire West and Chester, CH64 4BT 1.55 miles
St Winefride's Catholic Primary School Voluntary Aided School Mellock Lane, Cheshire West and Chester, CH64 9RW 1.76 miles

6 Railway Stations Near Postcode CH64 8TE

Name Address TIPLOC CRS Approx Distance
Hooton Rail Station Hooton HOOTON HOO 1.93 miles
Neston Rail Station Neston NESTON NES 2.27 miles
Eastham Rake Rail Station Eastham ESTHRAK ERA 2.36 miles
Little Sutton Rail Station Little Sutton, Ellesmere Port LTLSUTN LTT 2.90 miles
Bromborough Rail Station Bromborough BRMB BOM 3.14 miles
Capenhurst Rail Station Capenhurst CPNHRST CPU 3.18 miles

3 Bustops Near Postcode CH64 8TE

Name Address Bus Stop Type Approx Distance
Hadlow Road (Cnr) Chester High Road, Willaston On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.07 miles
Hadlow Wood Cottage (O/s) Hadlow Road, Willaston On Street - Custom (unmarked, or only marked on road) 0.08 miles
Hadlow Wood Cottage (Opp) Hadlow Road, Willaston On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.08 miles

0 Metro Stations Near Postcode CH64 8TE

No metro stations found in database

1 Airports Near Postcode CH64 8TE

Name Address IATA Code Approx Distance
Liverpool John Lennon Airport Speke, Liverpool LPL 7.66 miles

6 Nearby Postcodes

Postcode Distance
CH64 2UU 0.493 miles
CH64 8TJ 0.506 miles
CH64 8TP 0.638 miles
CH64 2XL 0.842 miles
CH64 2UB 0.862 miles
CH64 2TX 0.897 miles