Postcode DY4 8PW is an active postcode in England. It serves an area around the location having latitude and longitude of 52.524481, -2.069996 respectively. It is having an altitude of about 143m above sea level. It comes under the district of Sandwell and ward of Tipton Green. The constituency for this postcode is West Bromwich West. The local authority for this postcode is . It was introduced in 01 January, 1980.
Find below 21 addresses and 6 businesses in postcode DY4 8PW.
Postcode DY4 8PW has a population of about 139 spread across 57 households. As per Office for National Statistics, this postcode is categorized as a Urban Major Conurbation area.
The grid reference for this postcode is SO953918. The lower layer super output area for DY4 8PW is Sandwell 015A(E01010066).
Postcode | DY4 8PW |
Is Active? | Yes |
Latitude | 52.524481 |
Longitude | -2.069996 |
Easting | 395348 |
Northing | 291847 |
Altitude | 143 |
Rural or Urban Area? | Urban major conurbation |
Introduced | 01 January, 1980 |
District | Sandwell |
District Code | E08000028 |
Ward | Tipton Green |
Ward Code | E05001279 |
Constituency | West Bromwich West |
Country | England |
County | West Midlands |
County Code | E11000018 |
Country | England |
Outward Code | Inward Code | ||||||||
Postcode | Total Postcodes | Active Postcodes | Population | Households | |
Postcode Unit | DY4 8PW | 1 | 1 | 139 | 57 |
Postcode Sector | DY4 8 | 326 | 238 | 10785 | 4271 |
Postcode District | DY4 | 1230 | 948 | 43166 | 17293 |
Postcode Area | DY | 14257 | 10974 | 410847 | 171692 |
Company Name | Company Address | Company Category | Incorporation Date | Approx Distance |
A & A Walters Memorials Limited | The Old Manse, 85 Dudley Road, DY4 8ED | Private Limited Company | 10/07/2013 | 0.23 miles |
A.m. Plant Hire Ltd | 60 Castle Road, DY4 8DZ | Private Limited Company | 07/06/2000 | 0.36 miles |
Speed Del Ltd | 76 Castle Road, DY4 8DZ | Private Limited Company | 20/11/2013 | 0.36 miles |
Acdc Property Company Limited | 38 Chatwins Wharf, DY4 8QG | Private Limited Company | 10/09/1996 | 0.39 miles |
A. Q. (central) Limited | Factory Road, Tipton, DY4 9AU | Private Limited Company | 16/04/1997 | 0.41 miles |
Airneed (u.k.) Limited | Factory Road, Tipton, DY4 9AU | Private Limited Company | 23/09/1994 | 0.41 miles |
Name | Type | Address | Approx Distance |
Tipton Green Junior School | Community School | Manor Road, Sandwell, DY4 8PR | 0.17 miles |
Victoria Infant School | Community School | Silvertrees Road, Sandwell, DY4 8NH | 0.18 miles |
Silvertrees Academy Trust | Academy Converter | Silvertrees Road, Sandwell, DY4 8NH | 0.18 miles |
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School | Voluntary Aided School | Victoria Road, Sandwell, DY4 8SW | 0.49 miles |
Sacred Heart Primary School | Community School | Victoria Road, Sandwell, DY4 8SW | 0.49 miles |
St Paul's CofE (C) Primary School | Voluntary Controlled School | Robert Road, Sandwell, DY4 9BH | 0.52 miles |
Name | Address | TIPLOC | CRS | Approx Distance |
Tipton Rail Station | Tipton, Dudley | TIPTON | TIP | 0.45 miles |
Dudley Port Rail Station | Dudley Port, Dudley | DUDLPT | DDP | 0.86 miles |
Coseley Rail Station | Coseley, Wolverhampton | COSELEY | CSY | 1.57 miles |
Sandwell & Dudley Rail Station | Oldbury | SNDWDUD | SAD | 2.69 miles |
Langley Green Rail Station | Langley Green, Oldbury | LGRN | LGG | 3.46 miles |
Rowley Regis Rail Station | Rowley Regis, Oldbury | ROWLEYR | ROW | 3.65 miles |
Name | Address | Bus Stop Type | Approx Distance |
Silvertrees Rd (Stop Tk) | PARK LANE WEST, Tipton, Dudley | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.10 miles |
Queens Rd (Stop Tl) | PARK LANE WEST, Tipton, Dudley | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.13 miles |
Health Centre (Opp) | QUEENS RD, Tipton, Dudley | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.13 miles |
Tipton Cross Rds () | DUDLEY RD, Tipton, Dudley | On Street - Custom (unmarked, or only marked on road) | 0.17 miles |
Health Centre (Adj) | QUEENS RD, Tipton, Dudley | On Street - Custom (unmarked, or only marked on road) | 0.18 miles |
Tipton Cross Roads (After) | DUDLEY RD, Tipton, Dudley | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.18 miles |
Name | Address | Approx Distance |
Bradley Lane (Midland Metro Stop) | BRADLEY LANE, Lower Bradley, Wolverhampton | 2.22 miles |
Wednesbury Parkway (Midland Metro Stop) | LEABROOK RD, Wednesbury | 2.39 miles |
Loxdale (Midland Metro Stop) | LOXDALE ST, Bradley, Wolverhampton | 2.45 miles |
Black Lake (Midland Metro Stop) | BLACK LAKE, Black Lake, West Bromwich | 2.52 miles |
Wednesbury Great Western Street (Metro Stop) | GREAT WESTERN ST, Wednesbury | 2.54 miles |
Dudley Street Guns Village (Midland Metro Stop) | DUDLEY ST, Guns Village, West Bromwich | 2.58 miles |
Name | Address | IATA Code | Approx Distance |
Birmingham International Airport | Birmingham Airport, Solihull | BHX | 15.08 miles |
Coventry Airport | Baginton | CVT | 27.30 miles |
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Last Updated On 10th May, 2017