Postcode E1 2HD

Postcode E1 2HD is an active postcode in England. It serves an area around the location having latitude and longitude of 51.516226, -0.056234 respectively. It is having an altitude of about 15m above sea level. It comes under the district of Tower Hamlets and ward of Whitechapel. The constituency for this postcode is Bethnal Green and Bow. The local authority for this postcode is . It was introduced in 01 January, 1980.

Find below 12 addresses and 6 businesses in postcode E1 2HD.

Census Data for E1 2HD

Postcode E1 2HD has a population of about 83 spread across 41 households. As per Office for National Statistics, this postcode is categorized as a Urban Major Conurbation area.

GridRef/LSOA Details

The grid reference for this postcode is TQ349814. The lower layer super output area for E1 2HD is Tower Hamlets 017B(E01004323).

Postcode Details
Postcode E1 2HD
Is Active? Yes
Latitude 51.516226
Longitude -0.056234
Easting 534969
Northing 181491
Altitude 15
Rural or Urban Area? Urban major conurbation
Introduced 01 January, 1980
Postcode Administrative Area Details
District Tower Hamlets
District Code E09000030
Ward Whitechapel
Ward Code E05009336
Constituency Bethnal Green and Bow
Country England
County Greater London
County Code E11000009
Country England
Parts Of Postcode Unit E1 2HD
Outward Code Inward Code
Postcode Area Postcode District
E 1
Postcode Sector Postcode Unit
2 HD
Postcode Total Postcodes Active Postcodes Population Households
Postcode Unit E1 2HD 1 1 83 41
Postcode Sector E1 2 262 161 7641 2750
Postcode District E1 2925 1488 69523 25177
Postcode Area E 27259 16144 989043 370613

Nearby Places

6 Companies Near Postcode E1 2HD

Company Name Company Address Company Category Incorporation Date Approx Distance
Arts Feminism Queer 40 Clark Street, E1 2HD PRI/LBG/NSC (Private, Limited by guarantee, no share capital, use of 'Limited' exemption) 04/12/2012 0.00 miles
Gt Presents Limited 15 Clark Street, E1 2HD Private Limited Company 31/08/2016 0.00 miles
Tailored Media Ventures (uk) Ltd 50 Clark Street, E1 2HD Private Limited Company 12/10/2015 0.00 miles
39-45 Cavell Street Rtm Company Limited Flat 3, 39-45 Cavell Street, E1 2BP PRI/LTD BY GUAR/NSC (Private, limited by guarantee, no share capital) 26/11/2014 0.06 miles
Adslane Limited 47 Cavell Street, E1 2BP Private Limited Company 11/09/2016 0.06 miles
Adslaneltd Limited 47 Cavell Street, E1 2BP Private Limited Company 05/09/2016 0.06 miles

6 Educational Organizations Near Postcode E1 2HD

Name Type Address Approx Distance
London Islamic School Other Independent School 18-22 Damien Street, Tower Hamlets, E1 2HX 0.02 miles
Ayasofia Primary School Other Independent School 130 Cavell Street, Tower Hamlets, E1 2JA 0.10 miles
Date Palm Primary School Other Independent School 56-60 Nelson Street, Tower Hamlets, E1 2DE 0.16 miles
Mulberry School for Girls Community School Richard Street, Tower Hamlets, E1 2JP 0.21 miles
Wapping High School Free Schools 153 Commercial Road, Tower Hamlets, E1 2DA 0.22 miles
St Mary and St Michael Primary School Voluntary Aided School Sutton Street, Tower Hamlets, E1 0BD 0.22 miles

6 Railway Stations Near Postcode E1 2HD

Name Address TIPLOC CRS Approx Distance
Whitechapel Rail Station Whitechapel, London WCHAPEL ZWL 0.27 miles
Shadwell Rail Station Shadwell, London SHADWEL SDE 0.34 miles
Bethnal Green Rail Station Bethnal Green, London BTHNLGR BET 0.55 miles
Limehouse Rail Station Limehouse, London LIMHSE LHS 0.75 miles
Wapping Rail Station Wapping, London WAPPING WPE 0.82 miles
Shoreditch High Street Rail Station Shoreditch, London SHRDHST SDC 0.96 miles

6 Bustops Near Postcode E1 2HD

Name Address Bus Stop Type Approx Distance
Watney Market (Stop F) Shadwell, London On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.12 miles
Watney Market (Stop E) Shadwell, London On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.13 miles
Musbury Street (Stop) JUBILEE STREET, Shadwell, London On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.14 miles
Musbury Street (Stop H) JUBILEE STREET, Shadwell, London On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.17 miles
Cavell Street (Stop W) CAVELL STREET, Whitechapel, London On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.17 miles
St Mary's & St Michael's Church (E-bound) Shadwell, London On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.22 miles

6 Metro Stations Near Postcode E1 2HD

Name Address Approx Distance
Whitechapel Underground Station Whitechapel, London 0.28 miles
Shadwell DLR Station Martha Street, Shadwell, London 0.31 miles
Stepney Green Underground Station Stepney Green, London 0.57 miles
Aldgate East Underground Station Aldgate East, London 0.70 miles
Limehouse DLR Station Commercial Road, Limehouse, London 0.75 miles
Bethnal Green Underground Station Bethnal Green, London 0.76 miles

6 Airports Near Postcode E1 2HD

Name Address IATA Code Approx Distance
London City Airport Silvertown, London LCY 4.66 miles
Biggin Hill Airport Leaves Green, London BQH 13.26 miles
London Heathrow Airport Heathrow Airport, London LHR 17.31 miles
London Gatwick Airport North Terminal Gatwick Airport LGW 25.13 miles
London Gatwick Airport Gatwick Airport LGW 25.26 miles
London Gatwick Airport South Terminal Gatwick Airport LGW 25.31 miles

6 Nearby Postcodes

Postcode Distance
E1 2BP 0.056 miles
E1 2BJ 0.071 miles
E1 3EX 0.111 miles
E1 3DD 0.114 miles
E1 3ER 0.119 miles
E1 3BD 0.125 miles