Postcode GL14 2LX is an active postcode in England. It serves an area around the location having latitude and longitude of 51.825987, -2.502534 respectively. It is having an altitude of about 180m above sea level. It comes under the district of Forest of Dean and ward of Cinderford West. The constituency for this postcode is Forest of Dean. The local authority for this postcode is Gloucestershire. It was introduced in 01 January, 1980.
Find below 1 addresses and 6 businesses in postcode GL14 2LX.
Postcode GL14 2LX has a population of about 8 spread across 3 households. As per Office for National Statistics, this postcode is categorized as a Urban City And Town area.
The grid reference for this postcode is SO654142. The lower layer super output area for GL14 2LX is Forest of Dean 004E(E01022240).
Postcode | GL14 2LX |
Is Active? | Yes |
Latitude | 51.825987 |
Longitude | -2.502534 |
Easting | 365463 |
Northing | 214271 |
Altitude | 180 |
Rural or Urban Area? | Urban city and town |
Introduced | 01 January, 1980 |
District | Forest of Dean |
District Code | E07000080 |
Ward | Cinderford West |
Ward Code | E05004345 |
Constituency | Forest of Dean |
Country | England |
County | Gloucestershire |
County Code | E10000013 |
Country | England |
Outward Code | Inward Code | ||||||||
Postcode | Total Postcodes | Active Postcodes | Population | Households | |
Postcode Unit | GL14 2LX | 1 | 1 | 8 | 3 |
Postcode Sector | GL14 2 | 321 | 273 | 7666 | 3426 |
Postcode District | GL14 | 708 | 617 | 15241 | 6515 |
Postcode Area | GL | 27935 | 20668 | 605458 | 257602 |
Company Name | Company Address | Company Category | Incorporation Date | Approx Distance |
Aim Commercial Catering Equipment Ltd | Hay Jen, Colliers Field, GL14 2SW | Private Limited Company | 17/11/2003 | 0.20 miles |
A W Taxis Limited | 5 Victoria Street, GL14 2ET | Private Limited Company | 17/03/2009 | 0.25 miles |
Denise Roberts Interiors Limited | 5 Victoria Street, Cinderford, GL14 2ET | Private Limited Company | 31/05/2002 | 0.25 miles |
Derek W Hancox Limited | 5 Victoria Street, Cinderford, GL14 2ET | Private Limited Company | 30/01/1996 | 0.25 miles |
Deronne Limited | 5 Victoria Street, Cinderford, GL14 2ET | Private Limited Company | 24/11/1995 | 0.25 miles |
Mobile Maintenance Limited | 5 Victoria Street, GL14 2ET | Private Limited Company | 28/10/2002 | 0.25 miles |
Name | Type | Address | Approx Distance |
St Anthony's School | Free Schools | 93 Belle Vue Road, Forest of Dean, GL14 2AA | 0.37 miles |
St Anthony's Convent School | Other Independent School | 93 Belle Vue Road, Forest of Dean, GL14 2AA | 0.37 miles |
Oakdene School | Community Special School | Dockham Road, Forest of Dean, GL14 2DB | 0.37 miles |
The Forest High School | Academy Sponsor Led | Causeway Road, Forest of Dean, GL14 2AZ | 0.43 miles |
Heywood Community School | Foundation School | Causeway Road, Forest of Dean, GL14 2AZ | 0.43 miles |
Forest View Primary School | Academy Converter | Latimer Road, Forest of Dean, GL14 2QA | 0.47 miles |
Name | Address | TIPLOC | CRS | Approx Distance |
Lydney Rail Station | Lydney | LYDNEY | LYD | 7.82 miles |
Cam & Dursley Rail Station | Cam | DURSLEY | CDU | 9.68 miles |
Stonehouse Rail Station | Stonehouse | STNHSE | SHU | 11.02 miles |
Name | Address | Bus Stop Type | Approx Distance |
Beechdean (Opp) | Station Terrace, Cinderford | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.08 miles |
Beechdean (Ne-bound) | Station Terrace, Cinderford | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.09 miles |
Lidl Store (Nw-bound) | High Street, Cinderford | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.09 miles |
Lidl Store (Opp) | High Street, Cinderford | On Street - Custom (unmarked, or only marked on road) | 0.09 miles |
Parragate Road (Opp) | Station Terrace, Cinderford | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.12 miles |
Parragate Road (S-bound) | Station Terrace, Cinderford | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.13 miles |
Name | Address | Approx Distance |
Parkend (Dean Forest Railway) | Parkend | 4.61 miles |
Norchard (Dean Forest Railway) | Norchard | 6.34 miles |
Lydney Town (Dean Forest Railway) | Lydney | 7.01 miles |
St Mary's Halt (Dean Forest Railway) | Lydney | 7.47 miles |
Lydney Junction (Dean Forest Railway) | Lydney | 7.75 miles |
Name | Address | IATA Code | Approx Distance |
Gloucestershire Airport | Staverton | GLO | 15.42 miles |
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Last Updated On 10th May, 2017