Postcode LL11 2PH

Postcode LL11 2PH is an active postcode in Wales. It serves an area around the location having latitude and longitude of 53.057339, -2.992477 respectively. It is having an altitude of about 96m above sea level. It comes under the district of Wrexham and ward of Stansty. The constituency for this postcode is Wrexham. The local authority for this postcode is . It was introduced in 01 January, 1980.

Find below 6 addresses and 6 businesses in postcode LL11 2PH.

Census Data for LL11 2PH

Postcode LL11 2PH has a population of about 33 spread across 14 households. As per Office for National Statistics, this postcode is categorized as a Urban City And Town area.

GridRef/LSOA Details

The grid reference for this postcode is SJ335515. The lower layer super output area for LL11 2PH is Wrexham 008F(W01000422).

Postcode Details
Postcode LL11 2PH
Is Active? Yes
Latitude 53.057339
Longitude -2.992477
Easting 333579
Northing 351581
Altitude 96
Rural or Urban Area? Urban city and town
Introduced 01 January, 1980
Postcode Administrative Area Details
District Wrexham
District Code W06000006
Ward Stansty
Ward Code W05000281
Constituency Wrexham
Country Wales
County Code W99999999
Country Wales
Parts Of Postcode Unit LL11 2PH
Outward Code Inward Code
Postcode Area Postcode District
LL 11
Postcode Sector Postcode Unit
2 PH
Postcode Total Postcodes Active Postcodes Population Households
Postcode Unit LL11 2PH 1 1 33 14
Postcode Sector LL11 2 227 197 7548 3260
Postcode District LL11 1794 1295 38030 16011
Postcode Area LL 24082 20096 537252 232655

Nearby Places

6 Companies Near Postcode LL11 2PH

Company Name Company Address Company Category Incorporation Date Approx Distance
Latitude Networks Limited 15 Eneurys Road, Wrexham, LL11 2PH Private Limited Company 15/11/2005 0.00 miles
Rjl Electrical Services Ltd 5 Eneurys Road, LL11 2PH Private Limited Company 15/04/2014 0.00 miles
Allan Stevens Consultants Ltd 8 The Beeches, LL12 7BH Private Limited Company 10/04/2013 0.17 miles
Ajh Inspection Services Limited 106 Derwent Crescent, LL12 7YW Private Limited Company 17/11/2014 0.21 miles
Apex Building And Developments Limited 9 Grange Avenue, LL11 2EF Private Limited Company 29/08/2014 0.23 miles
Abbeyfield Wrexham Society Limited Abbeyfield, 12 Box Lane, LL12 8BU PRI/LTD BY GUAR/NSC (Private, limited by guarantee, no share capital) 13/04/1964 0.25 miles

6 Educational Organizations Near Postcode LL11 2PH

Name Type Address Approx Distance
Rhosddu Primary School Welsh Establishment Price's Lane, Wrexham, LL11 2NB 0.21 miles
Wrexham Pupil Referral Services Welsh Establishment 82 Rhosddu Road, Wrexham, LL11 2NP 0.32 miles
The Groves High School Welsh Establishment Penymaes Avenue, Wrexham, LL12 7AP 0.37 miles
Wat's Dyke C.P. School Welsh Establishment Garden Village, Wrexham, LL11 2TE 0.42 miles
Acton Primary Welsh Establishment Box Lane, Wrexham, LL12 8BT 0.44 miles
Acton Park Infants School Welsh Establishment Box Lane, Wrexham, LL12 8BT 0.44 miles

6 Railway Stations Near Postcode LL11 2PH

Name Address TIPLOC CRS Approx Distance
Wrexham General Rail Station Wrexham WREXHMG WRX 0.64 miles
Wrexham Central Rail Station Wrexham WREXHMC WXC 0.82 miles
Gwersyllt Rail Station Gwersyllt GWRSYLT GWE 1.49 miles
Cefn-y-Bedd Rail Station Cefnybedd CEFNYBD CYB 3.28 miles
Caergwrle Rail Station Caergwrle CAERGWL CGW 3.87 miles
Hope (Flintshire) Rail Station Hope HOPC HPE 4.54 miles

6 Bustops Near Postcode LL11 2PH

Name Address Bus Stop Type Approx Distance
Acton Corner () Chester Road, Rhosddu, Wrexham On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.09 miles
Acton Corner () Chester Road, Rhosddu, Wrexham On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.11 miles
Cilcen Grove () Cilcen Grove, Acton, Wrexham On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.13 miles
Cilcen Grove () Cilcen Grove, Acton, Wrexham On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.14 miles
Croes Eneurys (O/s) East Avenue, Rhosddu, Wrexham On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.14 miles
Croes Eneurys (Opp) East Avenue, Rhosddu, Wrexham On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) 0.14 miles

2 Metro Stations Near Postcode LL11 2PH

Name Address Approx Distance
Llangollen (Llangollen Railway) Llangollen 9.51 miles
Berwyn (Llangollen Railway) Berwyn 9.99 miles

1 Airports Near Postcode LL11 2PH

Name Address IATA Code Approx Distance
Liverpool John Lennon Airport Speke, Liverpool LPL 20.20 miles

6 Nearby Postcodes

Postcode Distance
LL12 7BH 0.172 miles
LL12 7YW 0.215 miles
LL11 2EF 0.227 miles
LL12 8BU 0.246 miles
LL11 2NS 0.395 miles
LL11 1DY 0.416 miles