Postcode M14 5RN is an active postcode in England. It serves an area around the location having latitude and longitude of 53.454452, -2.221284 respectively. It is having an altitude of about 44m above sea level. It comes under the district of Manchester and ward of Rusholme. The constituency for this postcode is Manchester, Gorton. The local authority for this postcode is . It was introduced in 01 January, 1980.
Find below 9 addresses and 6 businesses in postcode M14 5RN.
Postcode M14 5RN has a population of about 40 spread across 26 households. As per Office for National Statistics, this postcode is categorized as a Urban Major Conurbation area.
The grid reference for this postcode is SJ854953. The lower layer super output area for M14 5RN is Manchester 026C(E01005284).
Postcode | M14 5RN |
Is Active? | Yes |
Latitude | 53.454452 |
Longitude | -2.221284 |
Easting | 385403 |
Northing | 395322 |
Altitude | 44 |
Rural or Urban Area? | Urban major conurbation |
Introduced | 01 January, 1980 |
District | Manchester |
District Code | E08000003 |
Ward | Rusholme |
Ward Code | E05000714 |
Constituency | Manchester, Gorton |
Country | England |
County | Greater Manchester |
County Code | E11000010 |
Country | England |
Outward Code | Inward Code | ||||||||
Postcode | Total Postcodes | Active Postcodes | Population | Households | |
Postcode Unit | M14 5RN | 1 | 1 | 40 | 26 |
Postcode Sector | M14 5 | 341 | 258 | 10709 | 3374 |
Postcode District | M14 | 1520 | 1060 | 53136 | 17252 |
Postcode Area | M | 57709 | 31562 | 1167414 | 492884 |
Company Name | Company Address | Company Category | Incorporation Date | Approx Distance |
46 Denison Road Management Limited | 46 Denison Road, Victoria Park, M14 5RN | Private Limited Company | 02/04/1991 | 0.00 miles |
360 (rusholme) Ltd | 54-56 Wilmslow Road, M14 5AL | Private Limited Company | 13/05/2016 | 0.16 miles |
Damascus Cafe (uk) Ltd | 66 Wilmslow Road, M14 5AL | Private Limited Company | 23/11/2012 | 0.16 miles |
Damascus Cafe (rusholme) Ltd | 66 Wilmslow Road, Rusholme, M14 5AL | Private Limited Company | 13/05/2016 | 0.16 miles |
Delights (manchester) Limited | 72 Wilmslow Road, M14 5AL | Private Limited Company | 06/03/2012 | 0.16 miles |
Donia Cafe Limited | 64 Wilmslow Road, M14 5AL | Private Limited Company | 17/09/2012 | 0.16 miles |
Name | Type | Address | Approx Distance |
Xaverian College | Further Education | Lower Park Road, Manchester, M14 5RB | 0.08 miles |
St Vincent De Paul RC High School | Voluntary Aided School | Denison Road, Manchester, M14 5RX | 0.10 miles |
SNAP (School Non Attenders Project) | Other Independent School | Trinity House Community Resource Centre, Manchester, M14 5AA | 0.27 miles |
Heald Place Primary School | Community School | Heald Place, Manchester, M14 7PN | 0.44 miles |
St James' CofE Primary School, Birch-in-Rusholme | Voluntary Aided School | Cromwell Range, Manchester, M14 6HW | 0.47 miles |
Manchester Islamia School | Other Independent School | 42 Great Southern Street, Manchester, M14 4EZ | 0.49 miles |
Name | Address | TIPLOC | CRS | Approx Distance |
Ardwick Rail Station | Ardwick, Manchester | ARDWICK | ADK | 1.22 miles |
Levenshulme Rail Station | Levenshulme, Manchester | LVHM | LVM | 1.38 miles |
Mauldeth Road Rail Station | Burnage, Manchester | MLDTHRD | MAU | 1.56 miles |
Manchester Oxford Road Rail Station | Manchester City Centre, Manchester | MNCROXR | MCO | 1.60 miles |
Ashburys Rail Station | Ashburys, West Gorton, Manchester | ASHBRYS | ABY | 1.62 miles |
Manchester Piccadilly Rail Station | Manchester City Centre, Manchester | MNCRPIC | MAN | 1.63 miles |
Name | Address | Bus Stop Type | Approx Distance |
Rusholme Ctr (Stop F) | WILMSLOW RD, Rusholme, Manchester | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.11 miles |
Wilmslow Rd (Stop E) | WILMSLOW RD, Rusholme, Manchester | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.14 miles |
Rusholme Ctr (Stop G) | WILMSLOW RD, Rusholme, Manchester | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.14 miles |
Wilmslow Rd (Stop D) | DICKENSON RD, Rusholme, Manchester | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.16 miles |
Great Western St (Stop H) | WILMSLOW RD, Rusholme, Manchester | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.18 miles |
Wilmslow Rd (Stop C) | DICKENSON RD, Rusholme, Manchester | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.18 miles |
Name | Address | Approx Distance |
Piccadilly (Manchester Metrolink) | London Road, Manchester City Centre, Manchester | 1.63 miles |
New Islington (Manchester Metrolink) | Pollard Street, New Islington, Ancoats, Manchester | 1.84 miles |
Deansgate-Castlefield (Manchester Metrolink) | Whitworth Street West, Manchester City Centre, Manchester | 1.87 miles |
St Peters Square (Manchester Metrolink) | Peter Street, Manchester City Centre, Manchester | 1.87 miles |
Piccadilly Gardens (Manchester Metrolink) | Portland Street, Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester City Centre, Manchester | 1.88 miles |
Withington (Manchester Metrolink) | Princess Road, Withington, Manchester | 1.89 miles |
Name | Address | IATA Code | Approx Distance |
Manchester Airport | Manchester Airport, Manchester | MAN | 6.79 miles |
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Last Updated On 10th May, 2017