Postcode M18 7WS is an active postcode in England. It serves an area around the location having latitude and longitude of 53.452391, -2.173719 respectively. It is having an altitude of about 66m above sea level. It comes under the district of Manchester and ward of Gorton South. The constituency for this postcode is Manchester, Gorton. The local authority for this postcode is . It was introduced in 01 January, 1980.
Find below 6 addresses and 6 businesses in postcode M18 7WS.
Postcode M18 7WS has a population of about 32 spread across 16 households. As per Office for National Statistics, this postcode is categorized as a Urban Major Conurbation area.
The grid reference for this postcode is SJ885950. The lower layer super output area for M18 7WS is Manchester 023B(E01005196).
Postcode | M18 7WS |
Is Active? | Yes |
Latitude | 53.452391 |
Longitude | -2.173719 |
Easting | 388561 |
Northing | 395084 |
Altitude | 66 |
Rural or Urban Area? | Urban major conurbation |
Introduced | 01 January, 1980 |
District | Manchester |
District Code | E08000003 |
Ward | Gorton South |
Ward Code | E05000703 |
Constituency | Manchester, Gorton |
Country | England |
County | Greater Manchester |
County Code | E11000010 |
Country | England |
Outward Code | Inward Code | ||||||||
Postcode | Total Postcodes | Active Postcodes | Population | Households | |
Postcode Unit | M18 7WS | 1 | 1 | 32 | 16 |
Postcode Sector | M18 7 | 315 | 277 | 12728 | 5189 |
Postcode District | M18 | 648 | 558 | 23432 | 9845 |
Postcode Area | M | 57709 | 31562 | 1167414 | 492884 |
Company Name | Company Address | Company Category | Incorporation Date | Approx Distance |
Great Alliance Care Ltd | 9 Harlow Drive, M18 7WS | Private Limited Company | 14/02/2014 | 0.00 miles |
Abg Consult Limited | 113 Rawsthorne Avenue, M18 7GA | Private Limited Company | 23/01/2015 | 0.14 miles |
Ameron Consults Limited | 43 Rawsthorne Avenue, M18 7GA | Private Limited Company | 29/09/2011 | 0.14 miles |
Clay And Potter Limited | 101 Rawsthorne Avenue, M18 7GA | Private Limited Company | 22/01/2015 | 0.14 miles |
Elsamol Consults Limited | 83 Rawsthorne Avenue, M18 7GA | Private Limited Company | 09/12/2013 | 0.14 miles |
Erin Consults Ltd | 97 Rawsthorne Avenue, M18 7GA | Private Limited Company | 23/12/2013 | 0.14 miles |
Name | Type | Address | Approx Distance |
Melland High School | Community Special School | Holmcroft Road, Manchester, M18 7NG | 0.11 miles |
St Alban's RC High School | Voluntary Aided School | Holmcroft Road, Manchester, M18 7NG | 0.11 miles |
Melland High School | Academy Special Converter | Gorton Education Village, Manchester, M18 7DT | 0.14 miles |
Cedar Mount Academy | Academy Sponsor Led | Gorton Education Village, Manchester, M18 7DT | 0.14 miles |
Cedar Mount High School | Community School | Gorton Education Village, Manchester, M18 7DT | 0.14 miles |
Rushbrook Primary Academy | Academy Sponsor Led | Shillingford Road, Manchester, M18 7TN | 0.23 miles |
Name | Address | TIPLOC | CRS | Approx Distance |
Ryder Brow Rail Station | Ryder Brow, Gorton, Manchester | RYDRBRW | RRB | 0.29 miles |
Belle Vue Rail Station | Belle Vue, Manchester | BLLVUE | BLV | 0.74 miles |
Reddish North Rail Station | North Reddish, Reddish | REDISHN | RDN | 0.75 miles |
Levenshulme Rail Station | Levenshulme, Manchester | LVHM | LVM | 0.97 miles |
Gorton Rail Station | Gorton, Manchester | GORTON | GTO | 1.19 miles |
Reddish South Rail Station | South Reddish, Reddish | REDISHS | RDS | 1.29 miles |
Name | Address | Bus Stop Type | Approx Distance |
Harlow Dr (Opp) | WEMBLEY RD, Ryder Brow, Gorton, Manchester | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.03 miles |
Melland Sch (Opp) | WEMBLEY RD, Ryder Brow, Gorton, Manchester | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.04 miles |
St Peters R.C. Lower School (Holmcroft Rd - School) | Holmcroft Rd, Ryder Brow, Gorton, Manchester | On Street - Hail and Ride | 0.07 miles |
Cedar Mount Academy () | HOLMCROFT RD, Ryder Brow, Gorton, Manchester | On Street - Hail and Ride | 0.07 miles |
Sandown Cres (Nr) | HOLMCROFT RD, Ryder Brow, Gorton, Manchester | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.08 miles |
Melland Road (to def route) (Melland Road) | WEMBLEY ROAD, Ryder Brow, Gorton, Manchester | On Street - Hail and Ride | 0.12 miles |
Name | Address | Approx Distance |
Edge Lane (Manchester Metrolink) | Manchester Road, Droylsden | 2.00 miles |
Cemetery Road (Manchester Metrolink) | Manchester Road, Droylsden | 2.05 miles |
Clayton Hall (Manchester Metrolink) | Ashton New Road, Clayton, Manchester | 2.13 miles |
Velopark (Manchester Metrolink) | Ashton New Road, Sportcity, Manchester | 2.21 miles |
Droylsden (Manchester Metrolink) | Ashton Road, Droylsden | 2.22 miles |
Audenshaw (Manchester Metrolink) | Droylsden Road, Audenshaw | 2.50 miles |
Name | Address | IATA Code | Approx Distance |
Manchester Airport | Manchester Airport, Manchester | MAN | 7.51 miles |
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Last Updated On 10th May, 2017