Postcode NE37 1AD is an active postcode in England. It serves an area around the location having latitude and longitude of 54.914389, -1.537878 respectively. It is having an altitude of about 85m above sea level. It comes under the district of Sunderland and ward of Washington West. The constituency for this postcode is Washington and Sunderland West. The local authority for this postcode is . It was introduced in 01 January, 1980.
Find below 9 addresses and 6 businesses in postcode NE37 1AD.
Postcode NE37 1AD has a population of about 56 spread across 26 households. As per Office for National Statistics, this postcode is categorized as a Urban Major Conurbation area.
The grid reference for this postcode is NZ297578. The lower layer super output area for NE37 1AD is Sunderland 009G(E01008878).
Postcode | NE37 1AD |
Is Active? | Yes |
Latitude | 54.914389 |
Longitude | -1.537878 |
Easting | 429723 |
Northing | 557840 |
Altitude | 85 |
Rural or Urban Area? | Urban major conurbation |
Introduced | 01 January, 1980 |
District | Sunderland |
District Code | E08000024 |
Ward | Washington West |
Ward Code | E05001177 |
Constituency | Washington and Sunderland West |
Country | England |
County | Tyne and Wear |
County Code | E11000017 |
Country | England |
Outward Code | Inward Code | ||||||||
Postcode | Total Postcodes | Active Postcodes | Population | Households | |
Postcode Unit | NE37 1AD | 1 | 1 | 56 | 26 |
Postcode Sector | NE37 1 | 326 | 238 | 9721 | 3957 |
Postcode District | NE37 | 727 | 534 | 21034 | 9025 |
Postcode Area | NE | 44245 | 32914 | 1162976 | 510229 |
Company Name | Company Address | Company Category | Incorporation Date | Approx Distance |
2s Consulting Limited | Swallow House, Parsons Road, NE37 1EZ | Private Limited Company | 04/11/2014 | 0.32 miles |
4b Fabrications Limited | Swallow House, Parsons Road, NE37 1EZ | Private Limited Company | 17/07/2012 | 0.32 miles |
Ads Air Con Limited | Swallow House, Parsons Road, NE37 1EZ | Private Limited Company | 23/04/2013 | 0.32 miles |
Ads Consultants (uk) Limited | Swallow House, Parsons Road, NE37 1EZ | Private Limited Company | 17/02/2010 | 0.32 miles |
Ads Technology And Investment Limited | Swallow House, Parsons Road, NE37 1EZ | Private Limited Company | 05/05/2015 | 0.32 miles |
Aircraft Repairs & Servicing Engineers Limited | Swallow House, Parsons Road, NE37 1EZ | Private Limited Company | 07/05/2013 | 0.32 miles |
Name | Type | Address | Approx Distance |
Wellbank School | Community Special School | Wellbank Road, Sunderland, NE37 1NN | 0.25 miles |
George Washington Primary School | Community School | Well Bank Road, Sunderland, NE37 1NL | 0.27 miles |
Wellbank School | Community Special School | Wellbank Road, Sunderland, NE37 1NL | 0.27 miles |
High Usworth Junior School | Community School | Wellbank Road, Sunderland, NE37 1NL | 0.27 miles |
High Usworth Infant School | Community School | Wellbank Road, Sunderland, NE37 1NL | 0.27 miles |
Donwell Primary School | Community School | Coach Road Estate, Sunderland, NE37 2ER | 0.40 miles |
Name | Address | TIPLOC | CRS | Approx Distance |
Heworth Rail Station | Heworth, Gateshead | HEWORTH | HEW | 2.67 miles |
Brockley Whins Rail Station | Brockley Whins, South Shields | BRWHINS | BNR | 4.35 miles |
Chester-le-Street Rail Station | ChesterleStreet | CLST | CLS | 4.43 miles |
Dunston Rail Station | Dunston, Gateshead | DNSN | DOT | 4.81 miles |
Manors Rail Station | Manors, Newcastle upon Tyne | MANORS | MAS | 4.83 miles |
Newcastle Rail Station | Newcastle upon Tyne | NWCSTLE | NCL | 4.88 miles |
Name | Address | Bus Stop Type | Approx Distance |
Blue House Lane-St Andrews Avenue (E-bound) | Blue House Lane, Donwell, Washington | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.09 miles |
Blue House Lane-Havannah Road (W-bound) | Blue House Lane, Donwell, Washington | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.11 miles |
Well Bank Road (N-bound) | Well Bank Road, Donwell, Washington | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.12 miles |
Parsons Road (S-bound) | Parsons Road, Donwell, Washington | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.16 miles |
The Drive (S-bound) | Well Bank Road, Donwell, Washington | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.16 miles |
Parsons Road (N-bound) | Parsons Road, Donwell, Washington | On Street - Marked (pole, shelter etc) | 0.16 miles |
Name | Address | Approx Distance |
Pelaw (Tyne and Wear Metro Station) | Pelaw Way, Pelaw, Gateshead | 2.65 miles |
Heworth (Tyne and Wear Metro Station) | Abbotsford Road (Felling ByPass), Heworth, Gateshead | 2.67 miles |
Felling (Tyne and Wear Metro Station) | Mulberry Street, Felling, Gateshead | 2.98 miles |
Gateshead Stadium (Tyne and Wear Metro Station) | St James Road, Gateshead Stadium, Gateshead | 3.60 miles |
Fellgate (Tyne and Wear Metro Station) | Leam Lane, Fellgate, Jarrow | 3.62 miles |
South Hylton (Tyne and Wear Metro Station) | High Street / Hylton Bank, South Hylton | 3.63 miles |
Name | Address | IATA Code | Approx Distance |
Newcastle International Airport | Airport, Newcastle upon Tyne | NCL | 10.88 miles |
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Last Updated On 10th May, 2017